Sunday, May 13, 2007

We saved a bunny's life...our good deed for the week!

While filling the beds on the 7th, the boys ran into the house yelling for me to come quickly...

I hurried out to join them. We have a tube that runs to our septic tank near our garden beds. It used to have a cap on it...but I noticed recently that the cap was missing. Didn't think much of it, but there was a bunny stuck about 4' down the pipe!

I called Animal Control but they wouldn't come to help. Morgan suggested we use the shop vac, so he and Charlie ran to the garage to get it and the extention cord.

It took 3 tries but we finally got the wee bunny out of the pipe. It was a small bunny, probably quite young. It sat there, dazed, nibbling on some lirope and English Ivy, for about 5 minutes before hopping away.

I guess we'll be getting a cover for our pipe now :) The boys were thrilled that we saved a bunny...and chose the Chinese Buffet as their reward that evening.

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